Online Devising & Physicality Workshop
Online Devising and Physicality Workshops (aged 14+)
This socially distanced, physical theatre workshop is about exploring absence and presence. It is about how we can conjure all of the qualities of touch, embrace and connection without compromising the advised distance needed between performers. Suitable for socially distanced learning and remote/home learning - delivered online by Frantic Assembly Practitioners
2 Hour Workshop £275 + VAT
These sessions introduce the work of Frantic Assembly and explore non-contact movement and devising:
- A thorough warm up, preparing students mentally and physically
- Developing physical skills that explore non-contact movement and ensemble work whilst socially distancing
- Creative tasks that can be done independently and in small groups
- A cool down, reflection and questions
4 Hour Workshop £375 + VAT
These sessions include the above but delve deeper into Frantic's approach to devising and physicality and allow participants to develop their own practical work further:
- Extension on creative task both exploring physical and text-based exercises
- Creative devising tasks and the opportunity to present work and workshop it to develop context and meaning
- Discussion and feedback from our Practitioners on how participants can use and develop their devising work further
Please note: Both workshops can be delivered virtually to either learners at home or socially distancing in the classroom.